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Data Fields From Records for Windleafe

Data fields can come from records from the data source.

Each field can be marked in the templates, file paths and other outputs.

For outputting data records, the best place to show the data is on the record template. Here each row of data will have its values put into the record template and the record template will be repeated for each matching row with all output put between the header and the footer template outputs.

for each data row all recognised column, value or field names are presented, and all system or data source fields are also present.
To help a number of other fields for each row are also available, these being

  • RowNumber: The number of  the row starting from 1
    also known as Row, RowNo, RecordNo, RecordNumber
  • Key: The sort key used by the row
    Also known as SortKey
  • RowIndex: The row position starting from 0
    Also known as RecordIndex, RecordPosition, INdex, IndexNo

Also in a field definition, a specific row can be referred to by a syntax of FieldName~row, e.g. Forename~1 for the first row’s forename.
This can be used on all template parts to put a value as a ‘constant’ value.

For more information on field syntax, please see the entry for Data Field Markers
For more information on the data source field values available, see the specific data source in Data Sources entry
For more information on the application fields, see the Application field markers entry

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