A text file can be a data source if it meets certain conditions to allow the Windleafe application to find and use each data field with each ‘line’as a record
It must be a csv like file, that is a file with a special character to separate the data fields so that each known field is a number of markers along a record line. The default is a comma, thereby Comma Separated Values (CSV).
If any data field has the separator, it can keep the order correct by being surrounded in quotes
Each line must be separated by another known marker, the usual separator being a line feed so each record is in a new line as seen in a text file editor.
The first line must have the field names in the same way as the record lines are structured.
Here is an example simple file. Your file will likely have different fields and data.
0001,Mr Testy Testa,East Chateau,Erik Street,High Testcombe,Someland,TE5 71NG,1 Dec 2019,"A test, description"
0021,Cptn McMajor,42 Answer Road,Seargentville,,,,2 Jan 2020,Test of a record
Once you enter the path to the file, you will check the file and the data by clicking on “Test Connection” and “Test data is ok“, and the application will figure out the fields and the types from the data in the file.
Once done, click on Save Data Source to go back to the main window.