The three main sections cover the header template, record template and footer template.
A brief explanation of the template parts is here.
For each part, the window consists of the place where the template part is stored with a browse to the file in that part, the actual template in text form and arrow buttons to move parts between the three main sections.
Loading a file
The Import button at the top allows a single text based file to be imported into the boxes below.
You can then arrange the text and place fields as required.
Splitting the template up
The arrow button will move the content from the text cursor to the window in direction of the arrow. This keeps the order the same, but moves what is in the header, record or footer.
Useful then you load a new template file for splitting up for a new project.
Fields in the template sections
The fields can be placed into all three sections, but only the record section will repeat for the record, row or file data. For more details on how fields are used, click here
For the header or footer, use any fixed, project or changeable field, or a data field for a fixed row, like {{SetName~1}}, for to use row 1’s field SetName value.
When you click on a dialog part that can use a field, the field list appears, which will insert any field you click on at where the cursor is. You can then modify this using the field syntax.
An example of fields in a template looks like this.
Saving the template
Once you have done what changes you need to the template parts, click on Save and the dialog will save and close the parts to the names in the dialog box